1965 Part 2, Redbridge and West End (1965)
Standard 8mm film Colour Mute 1965 16:40

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Summary: Family Christmas time.
Beatles puppets, West End windows and an Ilford family Christmas all feature in this eclectic home move from Redbridge in 1965.
Title number: 19725
LSA ID: LSA/26166
Description: Baby Amanda features in much of this footage of family life in Ilford, including trips to a local park and Christmas Day, surrounded by presents and relatives. There’s also some great footage taken in the West End at Christmas, featuring decoration but also window displays – check out the high street fashion and the fantastic head-shaking Beatles puppets, the latter now probably worth a small fortune.
Much of the footage is taken at the Kench home and garden at Henley Road, Ilford. Highlights include the small boy sticking his tongue out at the camera, the super fall-and-roll taken by another schoolboy in Valentines Park, the Christmas Day footage of toys being played with and dinner eaten, and the closing singalong of Ring-A-Roses.
Further information: Background Notes from Ernie Kench-Filmaker-I am Ernie and my wife is Ann. We lived in Ilford until 1968. We attended the Vine Memorial Congregational Church in Ilford High Road. In 1960 this church was demolished and a smaller church build around the corner in Richmond Road. The names was simplified to Vine Congregational (now United Reformed). All our social activities were centred around the church. We were married in 1960 after the Old Church was demolished but before the new one was complete so we were married in the church hall. Reception was at the Manor Hall Chigwell, guests were taken there by a double decker bus. 'Coot & Hen' is a riverside chalet at Potter Heigham owned by my uncle, The Lewin family lived in a bungalow in Seven Kings with a very large garden.