Summer party
9.5mm film Black & White Mute 1950s 1:11
Summary: Bunting, hats, strange slogans and party games feature in this home movie of a summer party.
Title number: 19688
LSA ID: LSA/26128
Description: This home movie is of a summer garden party taking place in Park Way, Seven Kings for members of the Vine Memorial Congregational Church. This is the home of Mr and Mrs Leonard Lewin. The garden is lavishly decorated with bunting. The smartly dressed ladies wear impressive hats. Mysterious slogans (“hurry as Kate”, “beads belie nylon”, “may had monk”) hang on the conservatory windows. The film ends with party games involving hoops, balloons and sacks and a game in which blindfolded men are led into trees by rein-handling woman. Everyone seems to be having a great time.
Locations: Ilford, Redbridge