Snow scenes and garden play
9.5mm film Black & White Mute 1940s 1:10
Summary: A mix of scenes, starting in the snow and finishing in a garden on a fine summer day, with horse-and-cart rides and piggy backs in between.
Title number: 19685
LSA ID: LSA/26125
Description: Shot over several months in the late 1930s, this home movie starts with shots of a rather sinister, squat snowman before moving to sunnier times. Ronald Bond and friends enjoy piggy pack rides in a garden before Ronald and his friend Patricia Seagrove drive the rag and bone man's horse and cart (marked W Dimond, 29 Heath St) along a suburban street. The film ends with extended scenes of Ronald in a garden, sniffing Philadelphus flowers, riding a bike and strolling round a pond.
Locations: Ilford, Redbridge