Michael's Mother's Funeral; Water Pageant
Standard 8mm film Colour Mute 1960s 4:00

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Summary: A fireworks display kicks off this snapshot of the Davis family life, preparations for the Lord Mayor's show are followed by the funeral of a family member. Poignant scenes at the wake precede intimate scenes of home life.
Title number: 19578
LSA ID: LSA/25961
Description: Opening views of fireworks in the night sky, a young man(Davis older brother) smartly dressed stands in a back garden and smiles at the camera before looking slightly pensive. A ariel shot of mother and daughter inspecting plants in the garden, the daughter ducks and moves away perhaps to avoid an insect, the mother is now with her husband and walk towards the back door.
The daughter is wearing a balaclava and duffle coat and looks at the camera, she appears to be in a market which appears closed. Mr Davis is seen outside by a stack of vegetable sacks and crates, two large pillars are in the background, with closed stalls.(Perhaps the market is Covent Garden?).
Mr Davis is standing by a red float lorry, a large white balloon with a union jack is viewed and a bunch of red, white and blue balloons are seen in the background. A number of the performers in the parade are in costume waiting for the parade to begin and the Davis daughter moves towards them for a closer inspection. Different floats and characters are seen. The Davis daughter is seen in front of The Lord Mayor's coach flanked by coachmen and footmen in brilliant red and silver uniforms,who are then seen in full view performing a drill with their long wooden spears.
Views of the parade by the side of St Pancras station including a highland piper and a highland dancer aboard a gloat that has 79 City of London W.R.A.C (TA),a fireeater in a fancy costume entertains the crowd, a horse drawn steam fire engine with the fireman wearing distinctive brass helmets,a float with an outline of the city has two girls dancing while the banner encourages the crowd to 'Beat the Dragon Fire', three floats are dedicated to Britain's banks and foreign earnings,The city university floats has two men in white lab coats with a very large machine with two huge spools, while the banner above reads Mechanical Engineering, Computing and Electronics and another features John Cass College with students waving to the crowd. Further views of a military band as the parade carries on.
A christmas tree in a lounge, the sun catches the tree and the baubles reflect the sun.
A graveyard filmed through a car window, as the car stops we can see a coffin being carried by two men, views of floral tributes on the ground, the mourners can be seen walking across the ground. A floral tribute reads 'Dear Sister at Rest'. The mourners are walking down a path through the graveyard back to the church.
Interior shots of a number of people(the mourners?) inside the family home(?) an elderly woman is standing and talking.
A woman seen in profile by the window, she smiles and laughs and appears to be shooing away the cameraman,more people seen inside the room.
The christmas tree in Trafalgar square with brightly lit fountains in the background with the water cascading down the fountains.
The christmas lights(possibly in Regents Street?) we see candles,angels wings, and other decorations lit against the night sky. A brief glimpse of Lady Penelope's Pink Rolls Royce FAB 1 in a toy shop window, Parker is at the wheel!
Mr Davis pops on decorations to the tree, and his daughter inspects his work!
A view of Buckingham Palace from the blue bridge in St James Park, Caxton Hall, extended views of Westminster Cathedral and a brief shot of Westminster Abbey from a distance.
Shots of the Davis family at the front and back of their house. A black cat inspects a puddle by the front gate, and a final shot of brother and sister looking out from the front door.
Keywords: military parade; garden; Christmas tree; novelty floats; floral wreaths; royal guard; fireworks; Lord Mayor's Show; ethnic dress; novelty costume; fire breather; Family Funeral; cemetery; wake; Christmas Lights in West End; Scenes of London; Family scenes
Locations: United Kingdom;London;St James Park, Victoria