Southgate's Charter Day 1933
35mm film negative Black & White Sound 1933 7:20

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Summary: Pathe news reel on Southgate's Charter Day 1933; Southgate presented with a Charter of Incorporation by HRH Prince George (later Duke of Kent).
Title number: 19547
LSA ID: LSA/25929
Description: This Pathe newsreel documents the visit of HRH Prince George (from 1934 the Duke of Kent) to Southgate on Saturday September 30th 1933, granting the new borough with a charter of incorporation. Intro music plays as the opening title reads "Southgate's Charter Day - Pathe Gazette pictures exclusive to this Theatre" written on a shield. We then see a cheering crowd watching Prince George shaking hands with three other men as he exits a car. The men all wear suits; one carries a top hat. The crowd waves flags; some of the men wear hats of varying types while many of the women wear cloche hats. Prince George is then introduced to the first Mayor of Southgate (John Thomas Barber), who wears a cape and livery chain whilst holding a bicorne hat; behind him stands an alderman wearing a larger, elaborate bicorne hat. A woman next to the alderman wears a cloche hat, fashionable black dress and white gloves. Prince George and the Mayor are then driven through the crowd in an open-topped car, whilst waving to the crowd. Another crowd now assembles outside a building entrance, where a small canopy has been set up with a raised platform. The tune of the national anthem plays briefly, before Prince George and various officials assemble for the ceremony. Prince George then gives a speech: "Mr. Charter Mayor, I am very pleased to hand you, as representing the inhabitants of Southgate, the Charter of Incorporation, granted by His Majesty the King, which raises your town to the status of a Municipal Borough. I have been very interested to learn of the remarkable growth of Southgate, which is aptly described by the motto you have chosen for your coat of arms, 'From Acorn to Oak'. Your activities are intimately bound up with the everyday life of all your inhabitants. We have powers entrusted to you for protecting and improving the health and happiness of your fellow citizens. I congratulate you and your fellow citizens and your fellow councillors on the opportunities for practical usefulness which await you. The voluntary efforts of each community can be co-ordinated and directed to the provision of useful work as you have done in Southgate, and I can only hope that your efforts toward this end will be sustained, and meet with the success they deserve until the present improvement in trade rolls away the clouds that have threatened us for so long." The crowd applauds. The mayor then replies: "Your Royal Highness, on behalf of the inhabitants of Southgate, I accept the charter incorporating our town as a municipal borough. And I have to express to you our sincere appreciation of the honour you have conferred upon the new borough by your visit here today. May I respectfully ask you to convey to His Majesty our profound gratitude for the exercise of his royal prerogative in raising the status of our town, and an expression of our loyalty to him and his gracious consort. Today sees the most auspicious event in the history of Southgate. The mark of royal favour signalized by the grant of the charter and the welcome visit of your Royal Highness and the personal interest you have shown in the new borough will live forever in the memory of our residents, and will I am sure profoundly increase their interest in the local government of Southgate." The crowd applauds again and a band is heard playing, and man wearing a judge's wig and robe is the next to speak, announcing the creation of the borough. A huge ceremonial mace is then presented by another man to the mayor, on behalf of Lord Inverforth who we are told is unable to attend. As the band plays again, Prince George walks through the crowd, accompanied by the mayor and another man. A large number of children are lined up in rows for the prince to pass. The girls all wear broad-rimmed hats or cloche hats with smart coats or dresses; the boys all wear suits. After speaking with another man the prince then returns to the platform as the crowds cheer.
Cast: Prince George, Duke of Kent
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Enfield; Southgate