The Films of L.T. James (The Bath Films) - film 1
16mm film soundtrack negative Black & White Mute ? 0:00

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Summary: The film begins with a close-up of a man's hands manipulating a nut and bolt. There follows a shot of a railway line crossing over a river bridge (possibly over the Thames), the area looks like a working docks. A tugboat is filmed moving along the river toward the camera.
Title number: 19420
LSA ID: LSA/25807
Description: The film begins with a close-up of a man's hands manipulating a nut and bolt. There follows a shot of a railway line crossing over a river bridge (possibly over the Thames), the area looks like a working docks. A tugboat is filmed moving along the river toward the camera.
Keywords: Urban life; Holidays
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Hackney