Mick Barber's Religious Signs
U-Matic video cassette unknown Unknown 23 February 1984 0:00

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Summary: Mick Barber's Religious Signs
Title number: 18981
LSA ID: LSA/22144
Description: Mick Barber's Religious Signs
Cast: Mick Barber
Further information: Accompanied by note: Cumbria Deaf Association Tuition Tapes on Religious Signs. Introductions.Sunday Signs/Normal Religious Signs/Expanded Religious Signs/Communion Service/Introduction Almight God.../Greed I believe.../Confession, Almight God.../Prayer of Humble Access, We do not presume.../Prayer of Thanksgiving, Through him.../The Lords Prayer, Our Father.../The Dismissal, The Peace of God.../ For further information see Mr J.M. Barber, 3 Compton Street, Carlisle or your local social workers at: Whitehaven, 'Strand House' Strand Street/Barrow 153 Abbey Road / Kendal, 6 Market Place
Keywords: Deaf Deafness