Royal Visit HRH The Princess of Wales to BDA Headquarters
U-Matic S video cassette unknown Sound 17 November 1983 10:45
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Summary: Royal Visit HRH The Princess of Wales to BDA Headquarters
Title number: 18935
LSA ID: LSA/22098
Description: Royal Visit HRH The Princess of Wales to BDA Headquarters
Cast: HRH The Princess of Wales
Further information: On tape says: November 17th 1983, Royal Visit HRH The Princess of Wales to BDA Headquareters. Low Band. Sound Ch. 2. On box says: The Visual Link, London Office, The Greenhouse 5/6 Newman Passage, London W1P 3PF. Telephone 01-580 8651. Northern Office Production Studios 4 Spencer Street, Carlisle, CA1 1BG, Telephone 022832325/21729
Keywords: Deaf Deafness