Deaf Cricket Match
9.5mm film Black & White Silent c.1932 8:00

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Summary: Deaf Cricket Match & Deaf in the Isle of Man
Title number: 18900
LSA ID: LSA/22060
Description: Deaf crickets players talking/joking on field. Everyone goes out to the field ready for the match. Umpire talks to cricket players. Batting warm up. Match. TITLE: "Leicestershire going out to field V Somersetshire. Players going to field. Two men (formal wear) on a bench talking.
CAPTION: "1932 Deaf in the Isle of Man". Group walking in a line, arm in arm. People sat down on benches (boat) talking to each other. GV Children feeding seagulls. A man and two older women posing for the camera. Women with dogs talking. Group with a baby playing. TITLE: Rotary club outing to the Loughborough Deaf 1932. Cars parking up. People walking through gardens/woods, waving at camera. GV group of people laid on grass, relaxing and looking at camera. GV.
Further information: Originally labelled as Reel 20.
Keywords: Deaf; Deafness
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Leicestershire; Isle of Man