How to mask
digital file Black & White Sound 1948 5:59

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Summary: Doctors and nurses demonstrate the many ways of tying on a face mask according to preference and the type of cap worn. 1 segment.
Title number: 18429
LSA ID: LSA/21586
Description: Segment 1 Intertitles Basic Hospital Techniques No. 1, Designed for people starting work in hospitals. with preface to the film. Doctors and nurses demonstrate the many ways of tying on a face mask according to preference and the type of cap worn. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:59:00 Length: 00:05:59:00
Credits: Directed by Francis Bieber and Brian Stanford MRCS, DMR, FRPS.
Further information: Produced for Robinson & Sons of Chesterfield by John Curthoys Productions in the Nelson Hospital, Merton Park. Directed by Francis Bieber and Brian Stanford MRCS, DMR, FRPS.
Keywords: Medicine -- History
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Nelson Hospital; Merton Park