Open injuries to the hand: Part 1 , Basic problems
digital file Colour Sound 1956 23:18

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Summary: This film deals essentially with the basic principles involved if these extremely important injuries are to be treated properly. It outlines the type of organisation required how to examine these injuries the preliminary toilet (cleansing) it shows the few special instruments that are necessary and the standard techniques for local analgesia then the general principles of the secondary toilet (cleansing) are demonstrated - excision, haemostasis and closure - and finally the various grafts which are of most general use are demonstrated.
Title number: 18427
LSA ID: LSA/21584
Description: This film deals essentially with the basic principles involved if these extremely important injuries are to be treated properly. It outlines the type of organisation required how to examine these injuries the preliminary toilet (cleansing) it shows the few special instruments that are necessary and the standard techniques for local analgesia then the general principles of the secondary toilet (cleansing) are demonstrated - excision, haemostasis and closure - and finally the various grafts which are of most general use are demonstrated.
Credits: Made by the ICI Film Unit under the supervision of Patrick Clarkson in co-operation with the staff of Guy's Hospital. Produced by Oswald Skilbeck, photographed by Peter Grimwood, edited by Stan Hill.
Further information: This film is in two parts. They are Part 1, Basic Problems Part 2, Operative Technique of Common Injuries.
Keywords: Surgical Procedures, Minor
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Guy's Hospital