Blood grouping
digital file Colour Sound 1955 20:33

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Summary: This film is intended to show students and house officers some of the techniques used in routine blood grouping in the hospital laboratory. A number of photomicrograph shots in colour demonstrate the microscope examination of the results obtained. The film is divided into the following sections:
Title number: 18426
LSA ID: LSA/21583
Description: 1. ABO grouping using the Tile method, in which reactions of various blood groups are clearly shown. 2. ABO grouping by the Tube method. 3. Rhesus grouping using Saline Anti-Rh Serum. 4. Rhesus grouping using 'incomplete' Anti-Rh Serum and cells suspended in bovine albumin. 6. A 'rapid' modification for emergency use only is shown.
Credits: Made at the Group Laboratories, Mile End Hospital, London and Cyril Jenkins Productions Ltd for Imperial Chemical Industries.
Keywords: Hematology; Blood Grouping and Crossmatching
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Mile End Hospital