The life cycle of the malaria parasite
digital file Colour Sound 1951 20:28

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Summary: A technical film about the development of the malaria parasite through human and mosquito phases. Colour stills from Ancient China showing the historical understanding of the disease. Animated drawings in colour describing the progress of the disease. Identification of fever is described. Leishman and Giemsa stained parasites are shown as well as the characteristics of the four species causing human malaria. A convenient summary of the life cycle is provided at the end. ICI.
Title number: 18417
LSA ID: LSA/21574
Description: A technical film about the development of the malaria parasite through human and mosquito phases. Colour stills from Ancient China showing the historical understanding of the disease. Animated drawings in colour describing the progress of the disease. Identification of fever is described. Leishman and Giemsa stained parasites are shown as well as the characteristics of the four species causing human malaria. A convenient summary of the life cycle is provided at the end. ICI.
Credits: Made in collaboration with Col H.E.Shortt, produced by Oswald Skilbeck, executed by the W.M. Larkins Studio in association with the Film Producers' Guild.
Further information: This colour print is very dirty and scratched. From the ICI Medical Films Catalogue 1963 'the film is intended primarily for students specialising in tropical diseases and doctors practising in tropical areas'.
Keywords: Communicable Diseases; Tropical Medicine; Malaria