Centenary of the Royal Hospital Sheffield
digital file Black & White Silent 1932 15:35

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Summary: This film has formal titles with a credit at the beginning. The film shows various activities which take place in the hospital in any given day. Intertitles are used extensively along with footage. The film starts at 7.00am with nurses leaving their residence in Ranmoor, a district of Sheffield, and using a trolley bus to reach the hospital. After they are seen arriving, delivery lorries bring various food supplies which are then unloaded. Next the hospital board is shown meeting to discuss finances followed by scenes in the kitchens. Large amounts of food are prepared and it is noted that rice puddings are a standard daily food in all hospitals! Food is then distributed in heat-retaining trolleys. Children are seen eating their meal in bed. Next, in order for the hospital to have power, coal is delivered for the boilers. The laundry is then shown including steaming, folding, ironing and mending. Footage of patients follow - firstly the out-patients' department and then the orthopaedics department. Plaster splints are removed (hard to see), then massage and manipulation is demonstrated by a nurse. A man is seen on an exercise bike as part of his rehabilitation. Treatment for muscle tone is carried out using electricity a lady sits in a chair. Xrays are mentioned and then an ambulance arrives. The ear, nose and throat clinic is shown with a male patient being examined. The busy dispensary is shown. Finally a lone telephonist is shown operating an old-fashioned switchboard. 1 segment.
Title number: 18411
LSA ID: LSA/21568
Description: Segment 1 This film has formal titles with a credit at the beginning. The film shows various activities which take place in the hospital in any given day. Intertitles are used extensively along with footage. The film starts at 7.00am with nurses leaving their residence in Ranmoor, a district of Sheffield, and using a trolley bus to reach the hospital. After they are seen arriving, delivery lorries bring various food supplies which are then unloaded. Next the hospital board is shown meeting to discuss finances followed by scenes in the kitchens. Large amounts of food are prepared and it is noted that rice puddings are a standard daily food in all hospitals! Food is then distributed in heat-retaining trolleys. Children are seen eating their meal in bed. Next, in order for the hospital to have power, coal is delivered for the boilers. The laundry is then shown including steaming, folding, ironing and mending. Footage of patients follow - firstly the out-patients' department and then the orthopaedics department. Plaster splints are removed (hard to see), then massage and manipulation is demonstrated by a nurse. A man is seen on an exercise bike as part of his rehabilitation. Treatment for muscle tone is carried out using electricity a lady sits in a chair. Xrays are mentioned and then an ambulance arrives. The ear, nose and throat clinic is shown with a male patient being examined. The busy dispensary is shown. Finally a lone telephonist is shown operating an old-fashioned switchboard. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:15:35:00 Length: 00:15:35:00
Credits: Produced and titled by E. F. Skinner and photographed by A.L. Watson.
Further information: Reel one of three films attributed to the Royal Hospital Sheffield which celebrated its centenary in 1932. The hospital was demolished in 1978.
Keywords: Hospitals
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Royal Hospital Sheffield; Sheffield