The biochemistry of connective tissue
digital file Colour Sound 1976 43:55

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Summary: Dr Helen Muir presents a lecture on what is known about the biochemistry of connective tissue, particularly cartilege, in order to gain insight into what is happening in arthritic diseases, as in these diseases, cartilege is one of the first tissues to be attacked.
Title number: 18409
LSA ID: LSA/21566
Description: Segment 1 Muir introduces the lecture. she shows a table listing different qualities of connective tissue and an illustration of a human finger joint. Muir demonstrates the effect of cartilage on bone by using animated plastic models of the human femoral head. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:42:00 Length: 00:06:42:00 Segment 2 Muir shows a slide detailing the diagrammatic representation of cartilage, animaged graphic representation of proteoglycan molecules and electron micrographs of cartilage from the human knee. A further graph is used to show how much water is expressed from cartilage. Time start: 00:06:42:00 Time end: 00:12:57:00 Length: 00:06:15:00 Segment 3 Muir talks about and shows diagrams relating to the structure of cartilage proteoglycans molecules. A graph is shown which compares the size of proteoglycans with other proteins, then a graph showing the effect of proteolytic enzymes on proteoglycans. Time start: 00:12:57:00 Time end: 00:19:57:00 Length: 00:07:00:00 Segment 4 An electron micrograph of proteoglycan aggregates is shown, then graphs showing the relative viscosity of proteoglycan aggregates plotted against hyaluronic acid concentration. A further table is used to summarise the way in which proteoglycans interact with a single chain. Time start: 00:19:57:00 Time end: 00:26:26:00 Length: 00:06:29:00 Segment 6 Muir shows an autoradiograph of molecules. She discusses osteoarthritis. Time start: 00:31:27:00 Time end: 00:38:46:00 Length: 00:07:19:00. Segment 7 Muir shows graphs detailing the development of osteoarthritis and a table listing the main features of osteoarthritis. Time start: 00:38:46:00 Time end: 00:43:55:06 Length: 00:05:09:06
Credits: Presented by Dr Helen Muir, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology. Produced by David R Clark. Polarographic strain apparatus courtesy of Mr M Tuke, Biomechanics Unit, Imperial College. Made for British Postgraduate Medical Federation.
Further information: This video is one of more than 120 titles, originally broadcast on Channel 7 of the ILEA closed-circuit television network, given to Wellcome Trust from the University of London Audio-Visual Centre shortly after it closed in the late 1980s. Although some of these programmes might now seem rather out-dated, they probably represent the largest and most diversified body of medical video produced in any British university at this time, and give a comprehensive and fascinating view of the state of medical and surgical research and practice in the 1970s and 1980s, thus constituting a contemporary medical-historical archive of great interest. The lectures mostly take place in a small and intimate studio setting and are often face-to-face. The lecturers use a wide variety of resources to illustrate their points, including film clips, slides, graphs, animated diagrams, charts and tables as well as 3-dimensional models and display boards with movable pieces. Some of the lecturers are telegenic while some are clearly less comfortable about being recorded all are experts in their field and show great enthusiasm to share both the latest research and the historical context of their specialist areas.
Keywords: Biochemistry; Rheumatology; Arthritis; Cartilage; Osteoarthritis
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; University of London