Cancer research today: tumour diagnosis: biochemical and cytological methods

digital file Black & White Sound 1974 37:06

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Summary: Here, Professor A.M. Neville, Dr. D. Coleman and Dr. J.A. Forrester discuss biochemical and cytological methods of tumour diagnosis in cancer. A summary accompanying the cassette reads: This programme is aimed at methods which may be of value in the earlier detection of neoplasia. It contains three parts. The first is devoted to cytology, the methodology and its application to carcinoma of the cervix. The second part of the programme deals with the macrophage electrophoretic mobility (MEM) test, which purports to be a quantitative method of measuring cell-mediated immunity and would appear to have value in the detection of localised primary tumours. The final session concerns measurement of oncofoetal antigens in body fluids and their role in the detection of disseminated disease prior to other clinical methods.




