Common dermatoses
digital file Colour Sound 1968 31:00

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Summary: Deals with the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of the more common dermatoses likely to be encountered in general practice. Beginning with a description of normal skin, it moves to actual cases. Animated diagrams of cross sections of the skin are shown to illustrate the different characteristics of each condition. The conditions described include contact seborrhoeic and exfoliative dermatitis, pompholyx, the eczemas, psoriasis and discoid lupus erythematosus. 6 segments.
Title number: 18348
LSA ID: LSA/21505
Description: Segment 1 Intertitle: Allen and Hanburys present Common Dermatoses made under the supervision of Patrick? Robert J. Carins MB, BS, FRCP. The structure of the skin is described and shown using a diagram. A doctor is seen with a patient a lady is shown. She removes her top. The narrator comments on her tattoo 'shame about that, she ll regret that later' and 'it should be illegal to tattoo youngsters'. The patient has lesions on her arm but, upon examination, it is found that she has contact dermatitis where the nickel on her suspenders has been in contact with her skin. She is also allergic to the fastenings on her girdle. Intertitle: the dermatitis/eczema group (30% of all skin patients). Firstly contact dermatitis is illustrated. The skin of a patient with dermatitis caused by the rubber content of her girdle is shown. The skin of a patient who is allergic to the dye in her dress is shown, followed by a doctor carrying out patch testing on another patient s back. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:54:04 Length: 00:04:54:04 Segment 2 Next, a patient with an artificial leg is shown. The leg stump can be vulnerable to contact sensitisation. A photograph of hands and arms with industrial dermatitis are then seen. An old man with extreme sensitivity to the sun is shown he is lily white in the unexposed parts of his body. Next a patient who has self-administered tar paste and experienced a severe allergic reaction is shown. She is prescribed a topical steroid, as is the man with the leg stump. Intertitle: the idiopathic eczemas. Pomphlyx is described for the hands and feet. A man is seen with this condition on his hand they have a sago grain effect. Tremor is sometimes present. Intertitle: discoid eczema. Characteristic sites are shown graphically. A young man is seen with this condition the characteristic discs are in evidence. Next the rear of a nude male patient is seen with atopic eczema. Eczema present on different limbs and patients is shown in rapid succession. A mild tar paste is applied. Time start: 00:04:54:04 Time end: 00:09:41:00 Length: 00:04:45:19 Segment 3 Intertitle: Seborrhoeaic dermatoses. This describes conditions where there is an excess secretion of sebum which then becomes infected. An eruption in the groin area is shown the patient also has the condition around and under her breasts. Bed rest as well as a small amount of silver nitrate is recommended, steroids are to be used with caution. A patient with the condition around his ears is described as typical. A high proportion are described as anxious obsessionals. A range of treatments are recommended. A nude baby with severe dermatitis is shown. A severe case of dermatitis barbee requiring antibiotic creams is seen. A man has the condition at the top of the groin. A young child with seborrhoear capitas is shown, his condition is in fact scalp ringworm. A rarer condition is seen. Time start: 00:09:41:00 Time end: 00:13:29:14 Length: 00:03:48:14 Segment 4 Intertitle: atopic eczema. It is one of the commoner conditions. A naked young child is shown. The narrator suggests that young children with this condition should not be vaccinated. Typical sites are demonstrated the commentary suggests that the severity of the attacks depend on the individual s temperature. A steroid is recommended a before and after case is seen. An elderly man is seen he has lost his eyebrows through persistent itching. Intertitle: exfoliative dermatitis. A naked patient is shown with dermatitis from head to foot requiring in-patient care. Psoriasis is then discussed with its characteristics. How the structure of the skin is affected is illustrated. Several case histories are seen on photographs and moving images. Several topical treatments are shown. Some skin conditions similar to dermatitis are shown. Time start: 00:13:29:14 Time end: 00:19:15:02 Length: 00:05:45:13 Segment 6 Intertitle: Scabies the only condition which is contagious. Diagnosis is shown and then a clinician indicates the areas of infection on a nude male patient. Treatment is then shown. After a hot bath, the patient is painted with a lotion, which is repeated. Intertitle: Impetigo. It's etiology is shown. Recapitulation: treatments for the common dermatoses are summarised. A branded cream or lotion (Propaderm is suggested). Time start: 00:25:41:03 Time end: 00:31:42:00 Length: 00:05:00:22
Credits: Made under the supervision of Patrick Hall-Smith and Dr. R.J. Cairns. Made by Oswald Skilbeck in association with The Film Producers Guild. Diagrams by Charles Legg.
Keywords: Dermatology; Dermatitis; Eczema