Clinical oncology: Part 2 (2nd section)
digital file Black & White Sound 1974 15:28

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Summary: The second part of a programme about drug treatments for cancer. Dr Powles describes how cytotoxic drugs work and lists their side effects one of the main problems being infection. He shows a short film in which he demonstrates the use of a blood cell operator in a hospital room on a female patient. He discusses other treatments too, such as bone marrow grafting and recent research into immunotherapy.
Title number: 18342
LSA ID: LSA/21499
Description: Segment 1 Powles discusses the side effects of cytotoxic drugs used to treat cancer. The most powerful effects are on the bone marrow which produces platelets and can lead to fatal haemorrhaging. He also discusses antibiotic therapy for infections. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:14:00 Length: 00:04:14:00 Segment 2 A short film is shown in which Powles demonstrates the use of a blood cell operator on a female patient lying on a hospital bed. The clip ends. Powles discusses blood transfusions from patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia who have more granulocytes in their blood which can help people with a high platelet count. Time start: 00:04:14:00 Time end: 00:09:33:00 Length: 00:05:19:00 Segment 3 Powles concludes the lecture by discussing the possibility of using immunological procedures to treat malignant diseases. He gives a detailed history of research in this field and discusses the successes and failures of experimental trials to date. Time start: 00:09:33:00 Time end: 00:15:28:07 Length: 00:05:55:07
Credits: Presented by Dr R Powles.
Further information: This video is one of more than 120 titles, originally broadcast on Channel 7 of the ILEA closed-circuit television network, given to Wellcome Trust from the University of London Audio-Visual Centre shortly after it closed in the late 1980s. Although some of these programmes might now seem rather out-dated, they probably represent the largest and most diversified body of medical video produced in any British university at this time, and give a comprehensive and fascinating view of the state of medical and surgical research and practice in the 1970s and 1980s, thus constituting a contemporary medical-historical archive of great interest. The lectures mostly take place in a small and intimate studio setting and are often face-to-face. The lecturers use a wide variety of resources to illustrate their points, including film clips, slides, graphs, animated diagrams, charts and tables as well as 3-dimensional models and display boards with movable pieces. Some of the lecturers are telegenic while some are clearly less comfortable about being recorded all are experts in their field and show great enthusiasm to share both the latest research and the historical context of their specialist areas.
Keywords: Oncology; Medical Oncology; Drug Therapy; Bone Marrow Transplantation; Neoplasms
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; University of London