The choice is ours
digital file Colour Sound 1970 19:34

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Summary: This film addresses overpopulation in the Philipines and seeks to motivate public health and other government workers to re-inforce the benefits of reducing family sizes. Throughout there are scenes of impoverished urban life with the stress made on the pressure of finite resources whether health, education or quality of life. Finally, President Marcos outlines the challenge ahead which would involve tackling the Catholic church's explicit lack of support for contraception as well as the desire for large families. 4 segments.
Title number: 18341
LSA ID: LSA/21498
Description: Segment 1 Scene in an incredibly overcrowded busy Filipino maternity hospital where there is no privacy. Narrator comments on the population explosion whilst the camera pans over rows and rows of hospital cots with crying babies. Opening credits: The Choice is Ours. Presented by the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines and International Planned Parenthood Federation a Vision Associates Production. Scenes of a busy urban street in the Philippines. The narrator comments on the overcrowding and the music suggests that there will be sinister consequences. Scenes of a shanty town are shown. Dr Oncrado Lorenzo, director of the population commission, describes the work situation for the growing population over the coming decades. There are more scenes of poverty. Dr Lorenzo also speaks of the lack of housing. A semi naked child walks down the street. Other slum children are shown. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:42:00 Length: 00:04:42:00 Segment 2 Dr Mercedes Concepcion, director of population studies at the University of the Philippines, discusses the migration of the rural population to Manila. One of the consequences is that there is a lack of schooling available. Some scenes in a school are shown. This is followed by shots in a market with the commentator suggesting that a reasonable standard of living and purchasing nutritious food is increasingly hard. Dr Concepcion then speaks about the population explosion (this is in a lecture environment) and the potential of reducing the population by changing fertility trends. Time start: 00:04:42:00 Time end: 00:09:44:00 Length: 00:05:02:00 Segment 3 Dr Ruben Apelo, president of the Family Planning Association of the Philippines, talks about the other consequences of the population explosion. 'The choice is ours' sign outside a family planning clinic and a lecture taking place about family planning. An individual consultation with a woman takes place. A talk about IUDs takes place (in Filipino). Dr Apelo speaks again about spreading the family planning message he alludes to the cultural difficulties and the lack of support by the Catholic Church for mechanical means of contraception. He describes how the message is spread. The narrator appeals to people, especially those in positions of responsibility, to help spread the message to the towns and villages. Time start: 00:09:44:00 Time end: 00:14:58:00 Length: 00:06:14:00 Segment 4 Intertitle: His Excellency, Ferdinand E. Marcos, President of the Republic of the Philippines. President Marcos speaks about population growth and his involvement in the campaign. The government is supporting the campaign and more resources will be made available for family planning. A Vision Associates Production. Logo. Time start: 00:14:58:00 Time end: 00:19:34:24 Length: 00:04:36:00
Keywords: Family Planning Services; Contraception
Locations: Philippines