Handling and care of the patient (part one): No 11
digital file Black & White Sound 1944 15:38

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Summary: Part of a series apparently aimed at the inexperienced anaesthetist. This title (part one of two) focuses on incorrect and correct procedure around the patient in the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Through a series of dramatised scenes, a female patient is shown being incorrectly cared for and then the same scenario is repeated with a male patient but demonstrating good practice. Then there are five key points to consider for the well-being of the patient in the operating theatre.
Title number: 18310
LSA ID: LSA/21467
Description: Segment 1 Opening titles. A patient is wheeled along a hospital corridor accompanied by a male clinician and a nurse the narrator comments that these people are responsible for his well-being. Intertitle: Incorrect procedure. A series of dramatised scenes illustrate the impact of incorrect procedure on a patient. A female patient is left alone in a room and appears very anxious, the camera follows her line of vision around the room as it moves erratically over all the unfamiliar equipment. Hospital staff come and go the narrator refers to the room becoming a corridor and storeroom. Neither the nurse nor the anaesthetist communicate with the patient whilst all the equipment is checked. The cylinders have to be changed it is noted that these noises can be very alarming to the patient. Then, a surgeon is seen briefing his students and shows them an unidentifiable part of human anatomy in a dish. The anaesthetist fills the machine with ether he does not wash his hands or glance at the patient. Then, he puts the mask directly onto the patient's face with no forewarning. The patient panics as the blankets are removed from her legs, thinking that surgery will commence and the nurse, the anaesthetist and porter all have to physically restrain her. As she responds to the anaesthesia, her knees which are raised, flop sideways, almost dragging her off the bed. The catalogue of errors continues when her arm dangles free, then her head is allowed to flop backwards. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:01:19 Length: 00:06:01:19 Segment 2 Intertitle: Correct Procedure. The same scenario is repeated with a male patient but demonstrating good practice. The anaesthetic nurse remains with the patient whilst the surgical nurse gets ready. The anaesthetist says some reassuring words. He then checks the patient's records for details of the premedication. He checks the mask. The nurse holds and strokes the patient's hand. How to restrain the patient if induction is not straight-forward. The nurse cuts the bandages. The patient on the trolley is moved to the surgery. Intertitle: On the table 1. Position. The patient is on his back, arms and hands are tucked under the body, hands unclenched - alternatively, cuffs can be used. A method with towels is also shown. Alternative positions with the arms on the chest are also shown. Time start: 00:06:01:19 Time end: 00:11:21:23 Length: 00:05:20:04 Segment 3 Intertitle: On the table 2. Warmth. Spare blankets are shown being placed onto a radiator and put in a warming cupboard. The body is covered by light blankets or towels. The temperature of the operating theatre is regulated. A series of smaller blankets are placed around the patient. A bald male patient is shown having his head lightly covered to prevent heat loss. Intertitle: On the table 3. Care of the eyes. Eyes usually close automatically but if they do not, to prevent anaesthetic eye (where the ether soaked gauze abrades the eye), the eyes are closed manually. In deep anaesthesia, a lubricant is applied. Intertitle: On the table 4. Respiratory embarrassment. Surgery is underway on a man the anaesthetist notices that the patient's breath is repressed. The surgical instruments are resting on the patient's chest and one of the attendants leans on the patient. The anaesthetist draws everyone's attention to this. Intertitle: On the table 5. Change of position and handling. The patient must be handled gently in case there is a change in blood pressure. A female patient is shown being tossed to and fro. Handling must be supervised by the anaesthetist Time start: 00:11:21:23 Time end: 00:15:37:24 Length: 00:04:16:01
Credits: Direction by Rosanne Hunter, Photography by A.E. Jeakins, Editing by Gwen Baillie. Made with the co-operation of the Department of Anaesthetics, Westminister Hospital, London.
Keywords: Anesthesia; Anesthesia -- history; Patient Care; Patient Care -- history
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Westminister Hospital