You and your health
digital file Colour Sound 1979 21:08

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Summary: A film about the role of the Community Health Council (CHC), a body that directs public opinion on healthcare and any improvements that can be made in the NHS. The film deals specificially with CHCs in Wales. Partly animated. 4 segments.
Title number: 18265
LSA ID: LSA/21422
Description: Segment 1 In an animated sequence, a dinner party is seen. The guests leave but one crashes their car into a lamp post. An ambulance is called and they are taken to hospital. A narrator says, 'Thank heavens for the NHS'. He asks how many people are treated by the NHS who have made themselves ill and says that most people are very fortunate. Images of a man with a neck tumour and a man with one eye are shown. The narrator says that many other services as well as hospitals are available on the NHS, including family doctors and midwives. A doctor's surgery is seen. A list of the many types of NHS workers is read out as they are seen in an animation. The narrator says that the organisation of the NHS is like a maze. In an animated sequence, a man walks past a series of green doors with different NHS department names written on them. He stops at a door that says, 'C.H.C. Please come in'. People on the street are interviewed about what they think the CHC is most are not sure. The cartoon man enters the green door. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:49:19 Length: 00:04:49:19 Segment 2 A man explains what the CHC is a consumer advisory body established by the government to protect people's interests in regard to treatment on the NHS. A woman is seen at the dentist's. In reception, she is told that her treatment cost -
Credits: Camera and sound by Andy Arnold, John Cross, Chris Gilbert and Robert Sinclair. Animated by Ian Hopkins and Henry Lutman. Music by Stephen Howell. Written by Emrys Roberts and directed by Harley Jones at the Newport Film School.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive. Produced for Welsh Association of Community Health Councils with the assistance of the Welsh Office, Gwent Hospitals Contributory Fund and Welsh Hospitals and Health Services Association.
Keywords: Community Health Services; Delivery of Health Care; National Health Programs; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom; Wales