Henry Lester institute of medical research, Shanghai reel three
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 8:01

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Summary: Three reels of film depicting numerous aspects of the routine scientific work of the Henry Lester Institute, founded with a bequest from the trustees of Mr. Henry Lester, broker and medical philanthropist of Shanghai, together with scenes from everyday life in Shanghai, China, before the Japanese conquest of 1935. 2 segments.
Title number: 18239
LSA ID: LSA/21396
Description: Segment 1 Amateur unedited footage, each sequence of very short duration. General views of a city, presumably Shanghai. Views over the harbour including a steam ferry. Mixed group of Western and Chinese people smartly dressed and appearing to be travelling somewhere on a day trip. Point-of-view shots from the boat a junk and then a frigate are seen. The group disembark from the ferry. The group arrive at a residence where a party is happening in the garden. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:55:00 Length: 00:04:55:00 Segment 2 A traditional junk is seen in medium long-shot with a line of people embarking. Views from the river. Shots of a Western couple being transported on a rickshaw by a Chinese peasant. Shots onboard a steamer, shots of arum lillies in a garden. Murky footage of the riverside. Footage of a stone jetty and peasant fisherman. Panoramic views over scenic riverside. Time start: 00:04:55:00 Time end: 00:08:01:17 Length: 00:03:06:17
Keywords: Biomedical Research; Biomedical Research -- history
Locations: China; Shanghai; Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research