Henry Lester institute of medical research, Shanghai reel two
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 17:22

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Summary: Three reels of film depicting numerous aspects of the routine scientific work of the Henry Lester Institute, founded with a bequest from the trustees of Mr. Henry Lester, broker and medical philanthropist of Shanghai, together with scenes from everyday life in Shanghai, China, before the Japanese conquest of 1935. 4 segments.
Title number: 18238
LSA ID: LSA/21395
Description: Segment 1 Amateur unedited footage, each sequence of very short duration. Slightly portly Western man smoking a cigarette and wearing a white laboratory coat helpfully chalks on the blackboard the following message: We will now visit the various laboratories in my DIVISION. A smartly dressed Chinese man in a Western suit at a typewriter followed by scenes around the laboratories. 'You are visiting Tissue Pathology', 'Cambridge Rocking Microtone', various shots around the institute depicting staff at work. A Western woman is seen working in the laboratory. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:00:00 Length: 00:05:00:00 Segment 2 Man looking down microscope, he smiles to camera. More shots with laboratory staff at work. Ends abruptly. Time start: 00:05:00:00 Time end: 00:10:01:04 Length: 00:05:01:04 Segment 3 Various Chinese laboratory workers hard at work, busying themselves for the camera. 'Media Rooms' caption more laboratory shots and then an old fashioned camera being set-up. Time start: 00:10:01:04 Time end: 00:15:30:00 Length: 00:05:28:21 Segment 4 Exterior shots of the inner atrium of the institute. White laboratory rabbits. Cleaners. Camera follows Western man as he pauses under archway. Time start: 00:15:30:00 Time end: 00:17:22:03 Length: 00:01:52:03
Keywords: Biomedical Research; Biomedical Research -- history
Locations: China; Shanghai; Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research