Henry Lester institute of medical research, Shanghai reel one
digital file Black & White Silent 1933 9:56

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Summary: Three reels of film depicting numerous aspects of the routine scientific work of the Henry Lester Institute, founded with a bequest from the trustees of Mr. Henry Lester, broker and medical philanthropist of Shanghai, together with scenes from everyday life in Shanghai, China, before the Japanese conquest of 1935. 2 segments.
Title number: 18237
LSA ID: LSA/21394
Description: Segment 1 Amateur unedited footage, each sequence of very short duration. Smartly dressed men stand around, basketball, views of the countryside, children accept treats thrown by a man in a white coat. A man with a cigarette balancing on his lip sprinkles oil or a liquid on a child's head (could be a children's home or orphanage). Chinese laboratory staff in white coats group outside the Henry Lester Institute and Western men and women organise themselves into a group, possibly for a photograph. The attendees smile and then troop inside. Exterior views. Considerably more people are then seen as a group. More buildings (corrugated construction, possibly shots in the complex). Chinese men in Western suits smile and demonstrate bonhomie, a woman enters the shot. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:00:00 Length: 00:05:00:00 Segment 2 Shots over items which have been labelled (mostly indecipherable). There is one captioned 'man baited trap'. Microscopes, slides, displays, fish, (sign 'anti-malaria fish'). Model of a boat, models of buidlings, herbs. Laboratory staff and laboratory equipment in use. Ends abruptly. Time start: 00:05:00:00 Time end: 00:09:56:00 Length: 00:04:56:00
Keywords: Biomedical Research; Biomedical Research -- history
Locations: China; Shanghai; Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research