There you are nurse
digital file Colour Sound 1979 29:11

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Summary: This film tries to answer questions raised by young people interested in nursing. A group of young entrants are shown arriving at a hospital on the first day of their new career. The film follows their progress on the wards and records their reactions to the many aspects of work and training. 6 segments.
Title number: 18231
LSA ID: LSA/21388
Description: Segment 1 New nursing students arrive at nursing college. Their voiceovers are heard talking about how nervous they are. They begin by studying anatomy a lecture is seen. They talk about what they learn, including making beds and helping patients to brush their teeth. They are seen using role play to learn one nurse acts as a wheelchair user and two others push the chair. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:07:01 Length: 00:05:07:01 Segment 2 Another nurse discusses playing the role of a blind person and being led around by another nurse. They begin to work with patients, learning how to attach drips and build relationships with parents. A male nurse discusses stereotypes of female nurses. A doctor and nurse are seen examining patients together. Time start: 00:05:07:01 Time end: 00:10:14:21 Length: 00:05:07:20 Segment 3 The doctor and nurse discuss treatment of an elderly male patient with jaundice. Nurses are seen preparing a male patient for surgery. One nurse talks about her first emergency a cancer patient who she discovers has died in his bed. A nurse does a practical test involving dressing a male patient's wound. Time start: 00:10:14:21 Time end: 00:14:48:24 Length: 00:04:24:03 Segment 4 The test continues, and she is asked questions about dressings and sterilising instruments. She passes the test. Another test is seen - the administration of medicines and drugs. Different nursing specialities are seen, including the geriatrics ward and the maternity unit. A nurse is seen examining a pregnant woman. The children's ward is also shown. Time start: 00:14:48:24 Time end: 00:19:57:18 Length: 00:05:18:19 Segment 6 A staff meeting is seen. A nurse is observed on a ward round. She speaks to various patients in the geriatrics ward and discusses how it went with her teacher. She passes the test. The nurses talk about the attitude patients have towards them once they qualify they expect the nurses to know everything. End credits. Time start: 00:23:42:02 Time end: 00:29:10:24 Length: 00:05:28:22
Credits: Produced by the Central Office of Information for the Department of Health and Social Security. Edited by Barney Greenwood, filmed by Brian Mitchison, written and directed by Euan Person, produced by John Arnold and Leon Clore.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Nurses; Nursing; Public Health; Psychiatric Nursing
Locations: United Kingdom