The inside view
digital file Colour Sound 1979 26:02

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Summary: An illustration of the medical advances taking place which allow us to look inside the human body. There are various methods all operable by way of the computer and the film shows us a few of them an image of a living foetus inside the womb can be recreated on the computer screen, early heart trouble can be detected, early cancer growth can be found by means of the X-ray and can then be killed by radiation beams. 5 segments.
Title number: 18227
LSA ID: LSA/21384
Description: Segment 1 An ultrasound image of a foetus is seen as the male narrator explains that this is one of the new ways which doctors can use to look inside the human body. Various other methods are briefly seen in montage. A history of anatomy of given, from mediaeval times to the Renaissance. Drawings by Vesalius and Da Vinci are seen. At the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary, a beating heart is imaged using radioactivity. The patient has been injected with a radioactive substance and imaged by a camera above his chest. This heart is compared to an image of a normal heart it is obvious that the patient's heart beats too slowly. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:46:00 Length: 00:04:46:00 Segment 2 The patient exercises on a bed whilst his heart is being monitored by the camera. The heart still beats slowly and a drug is administered. The effect is seen on the camera. A photograph of Wilhelm R+
Credits: Narrated by Paul Vaughan, research by Jane Corbin, Photography by John Rosenberg and Chris O'Dell, edited by Fred Goodland, directed by Edward Poulter and produced by Richard Reisz.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Computers; Public Health; Ultrasonography, Prenatal; Radiotherapy; X-Rays; Thermography; Radiography
Locations: United Kingdom