First test tube baby Louise Brown: Video news release
digital file Colour Sound 1978 2:18

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Summary: A video news release about the birth of Louise Brown, the first baby successfully conceived through IVF. The doctors and staff are introduced and the mother's caesarian under general anaesthetic is seen. The doctors proudly hold the baby. 1 segment.
Title number: 18223
LSA ID: LSA/21380
Description: Segment 1 The mother, Lesley Brown, is wheeled in to the operating theatre on a hospital bed. She is under anaesthetic. The surgeon, John Webster, gives a brief case history of Lesley and introduces the rest of the surgical team. The caesarean section is performed and baby Louise Brown is born. She cries and is weighed by a nurse. She is cleaned and passed to the doctors, who pose for the camera with her, smiling. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:02:18:13 Length: 00:02:18:13
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Fertilization in Vitro; Parturition; Cesarean Section
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Greater Manchester; Oldham and District General Hospital