Day out, day in
digital file Colour Sound 1969 19:43

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Summary: A National Health Service recruitment film. A student nurse begins her first day in a large hospital and wonders where everybody fits in. The camera then roves around the hospital, showing doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel at work. 4 segments.
Title number: 18221
LSA ID: LSA/21378
Description: Segment 1 A hospital is seen and a male narrator explains that this film will show the inside of a modern hospital. A new nurse begins her first day and as she sits in the waiting room, wonders how long it will take to know the hospital. Various hospital departments are seen not only wards but the laundry room and laboratories as well. Nurses are seen looking after elderly patients, giving medication and injections. A ward round is seen, and the doctor talks about good relations with the nursing staff in voiceover. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:47:16 Length: 00:04:47:16 Segment 2 The ward round visits an elderly lady and the doctor talks about involving junior nurses in the team. Nursing tasks such as preparing a trolley are seen. The training nurses are inducted and given a tour. A doctor examines a little boy who had a bike accident. The canteen is seen and the nurses are given the patients' food. An orderly feeds an elderly male patient. A woman is seen having a physiotherapy session. A social worker talks to an elderly man who is leaving hospital about care provisions at home. A patient having an x-ray is seen. Time start: 00:04:47:16 Time end: 00:10:01:00 Length: 00:06:13:09 Segment 3 A nurse matron leaves for her ward round and in voiceover is heard saying that a hospital must be have a happy and relaxed atmosphere. Nurse staff meetings are seen. The hospital chaplain visits an elderly woman for a chat. The occupational therapy department is seen an elderly woman learns to use an oven with her good arm, and a man learns to operate machinery with his injured leg. A shift changeover between nurses is seen. Time start: 00:10:01:00 Time end: 00:14:33:21 Length: 00:04:32:21 Segment 4 A male hospital worker offers a lift to 'the anaemia clinic' to a group of nurses - it turns out to be a euphemism for the pub. A play put on by the Hospital Players is seen. The chaplain is also in the pub. Hospital staff are seen dancing at a disco. Late at night, an ambulance brings in a man who has been in a fight. Other casualty patients, including an injured young boy, are seen. The hospital play is seen again. Nurses in training chat over lunch about their course. End credits. Time start: 00:14:33:21 Time end: 00:19:43:03 Length: 00:05:09:07
Credits: Made by RHR Productions. Filmed by Jo Jago, edited by Sheila Willson, written and directed by Victor Menzies and produced by Michael Barden.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Nursing; Health Personnel; Hospitals; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom; England