A way with warbles
digital file Colour Sound 1955 10:06

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Summary: Describes the life-cycle of the warble fly, an economically damaging parasite of cattle, and the use of systemic insecticides and other methods of controlling it. 2 segments.
Title number: 18212
LSA ID: LSA/21369
Description: Segment 1 A field of cows is seen as a male narrator explains that 70% of cattle will become infested with grubs of the warble fly. He explains how this affects farmers and cattle breeders financially, then points out the obvious symptoms of infestation, lumps on the backs of the cattle in spring. These are warble grubs under the skin. The damage to the hide is seen by a tanned hide of an infested cow. It is covered in small holes. A warble fly is seen, and the narrator describes its life cycle, beginning with the female fly laying eggs on cattle hair. The eggs are seen. An animation shows the larvae hatching and penetrating the cow's body. Then they cut breathing holes through the skin. A larva is seen forcing itself out the hole and falling to the ground. It hardens to a pupa and a fly emerges 6 weeks later. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:20:19 Length: 00:05:20:19 Segment 2 A farmer is seen brushing a cow's back with a disinfectant wash. A farmer is also seen squeezing a grub from a cow's back, but the narrator remarks that this is dangerous. A cow has its hide sprayed with disinfectant, but the narrator says that this method of prevention requires a high amount of labour. The use of systemic insecticides is recommended. A liquid is poured onto the cows' backs, which penetrates the skin and kills the grubs in an early stage of development, thus preventing damage to the hides. Dairy cows are seen walking in and out of the milking building and the narrator says that this method can also be used on dairy cows, providing time is left between treatment and milking. As cows are seen in a field, the narrator says that the Ministry of Agriculture supports the use of systemic insecticides and that farmers should cooperate with the Ministry. Time start: 00:05:20:19 Time end: 00:10:06:12 Length: 00:04:45:18
Credits: Technical adviser K.W. Page.
Keywords: Cattle -- parasitology; Parasites -- in animals; Veterinary Medicine
Locations: United Kingdom; England