Your children's eyes
digital file Black & White Sound 1945 18:15

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Summary: The structure of the eyes is explained by means of models and diagrams. The film also shows why and how common defects, diseases and injuries should be treated: long- and short- sightedness, astigmatism and squint blepharitis, conjunctivitis and styes grit and dirt. It is important that the eyes are not strained in reading or by close needlework, and above all that the children are kept happy and in good general health. 4 segments.
Title number: 18202
LSA ID: LSA/21359
Description: Segment 1 Opening credits. Two boys are in the countryside reading a map and looking around them. A male narrator points out that their eyes are constantly looking near and far. He explains the structure of an eye, as a model of an eye is constructed using an orange, some lenses and a flower. A slice is cut off the top of the orange, the iris is coloured, another hole cut for the pupil, and a lens is put over the holes to be the cornea. Then the orange is cut open and another lens put behind the cornea. A flower is put in the back of the orange to represent the nerves. A mask is put over the model to show how it fits in the head. The narrator also explains the muscles that move the eye, as well as contraction of the pupil in different lights and bulging of the lens when looking at near objects. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:28:16 Length: 00:04:28:16 Segment 2 In a school, a short-sighted girl and long-sighted boy are seen, both wearing glasses. The teacher explains to the class how long and short-sighted eyes differ by drawing on the chalk board. He draws a short-sighted eye and a concave lens that corrects the vision, and then a long-sighted eye and concave lens. He also draws an older person with a stigmatism. Children are seen having various eye tests at the optician's. Time start: 00:04:28:16 Time end: 00:09:01:10 Length: 00:04:32:19 Segment 3 Next, correction of squints is addressed. The narrator says that squints should be treated before 5 years of age, and that they often follow measles, whooping cough or scarlet fever. A little boy with a squint is taken to the doctor and he wears a dark patch over his good eye to make the bad eye work. Other treatments and tests of slightly older children are seen. Eye diseases are discussed next, including symptoms and treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis and styes. Time start: 00:09:01:10 Time end: 00:14:20:22 Length: 00:05:19:12 Segment 4 The narrator discusses the eye's protective elements, including the forehead, eyebrow, eyelashes and blinking. A little girl gets something in her eye and her mother uses a clean handkerchief to wipe it out. The narrator notes that if pain persists to wrap the eye and see a doctor. He runs through some key points to maintain healthy eyes, including reading in good light and sitting upright, performing needlework in good light and not looking into the sun. He summarises the advice in the film, including getting eye tests, wearing glasses and seeing a doctor if a problem occurs. Finally, children are seen playing outside and he says that children's eyes should get frequent rest and fresh air. Time start: 00:14:20:22 Time end: 00:18:15:05 Length: 00:03:54:08
Credits: Ministry of Information Film for Department of Health in cooperation with Council for Health Education, with assistance of Moorfields Eye Hospital, London. Producor: John Taylor; directed and photographed by: Alex Strasser; commentary by: Carleton Hobbs
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Optometry; Vision, Ocular; Child; Public Health Pediatrics; Eye; Blepharitis; Conjunctiva; Myopia; Hyperopia
Locations: United Kingdom; England