Blood donors
digital file Colour Sound 1980 2:19

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Summary: Celebrities Glenda Jackson and Ernie Wise give blood whilst cracking jokes. 1 segment.
Title number: 18195
LSA ID: LSA/21352
Description: Segment 1 Ernie is waiting for Glenda to arrive at the hospital. She runs up, apologising for her lateness and Ernie says that he is glad she can star in his latest film. Glenda realises that she's only been brought there to give blood and tries to escape, but Ernie wrestles her into the room. They have their iron levels tested and both begin giving blood. Glenda says that it does not hurt and that 'there's nothing to it!' Ernie mentions it is his second blood donation. Afterwards they go to get tea and biscuits whilst making more jokes. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:02:19:09 Length: 00:02:19:09
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Blood Donors
Locations: United Kingdom; England