digital file Black & White Sound 1945 20:41

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Summary: A dramatised film about the processes of birth and maternity in Scotland during the 1940s. A soldier's wife is pregnant and he is away from home. Both their stories are seen. 3 segments.
Title number: 18186
LSA ID: LSA/21343
Description: Segment 1 Pte. McBain goes to see his Medical Officer for advice about his newly-pregnant wife who is living by herself at home. The MO says she should attend the antenatal clinic immediately. Mrs McBain is seen at work in a laundry. She is scared by old wives' tales about pregnancy and miscarriages. A lecture hall is seen, with a man talking to nurses and healthcare workers about infant mortality in Scotland. He says the most important thing they must do is persuade all prospective mothers to see a healthcare worker. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:19:03 Length: 00:07:19:03 Segment 2 Mrs McBain receives her husband's letter telling her to attend the clinic, and goes. A Sister interviews her and gives her coupons for milk. Pte. McBain discusses his wife's progress with the MO, who explains pregnancy and the baby's development using illustrations. Mrs McBain is seen months later due to give birth. The doctor explains what will happen. Time start: 00:07:19:03 Time end: 00:13:19:11 Length: 00:06:00:08 Segment 3 The MO explains labour using illustrations to Mr McBain. Mrs McBain gives birth to a baby boy and she is seen learning to look after him. Back at home, Mrs McBain worries that her flat is too small and that her neighbour's children may infect her baby with a rash. The midwife visits and reassures her and tells her to keep herself and the flat clean. Pte. McBain receives a photograph of his wife and baby and walks off happily. Time start: 00:13:19:11 Time end: 00:20:41:01 Length: 00:07:21:15
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive THIS VIDEO IS EMBARGOED UNTIL JANUARY 2012
Keywords: Parturition; Hospitals, Maternity; Prenatal Care
Locations: United Kingdom; Scotland; Glasgow