Antismoking baby
digital file Colour Sound 1980s 0:42

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Summary: Anti-smoking advertisement featuring a man smoking over a baby's crib. 1 segment
Title number: 18184
LSA ID: LSA/21341
Description: Segment 1 In a smoky, futuristic room, an alien-looking man smokes over a baby's crib. A voiceover says that natural born smokers will be responsible parents, encouraging their babies to smoke from an early age. The children will also learn how to inhale at school from their 'friends'. He also says that any child who falls ill will be ridiculed. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:00:42:22 Length: 00:00:42:22
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive. This video is a companion advert to 'Natural born smoker', also available to watch online.
Keywords: Smoking; Smoking Cessation; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom; England