Industrial dermatitis
digital file Black & White Sound 1950 14:45

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Summary: Methods of prevention and cure of industrial dermatitis, as shown through the work of a new Medical Officer at a factory where the disease is prevalent. Proper preventative measures (such as protective clothing, control of harmful fumes, and, above all, through cleanliness) are coupled with patient curative treatment, including a correct psychological approach, and the incidence of the disease is greatly reduced. 3 segments.
Title number: 18182
LSA ID: LSA/21339
Description: Segment 1 Opening credits. The management staff of a factory discuss the sick rates of the workers. The works manager explains that a doctor will begin work at the factory the following week to deal with the many cases of dermatitis. Dr Burns is seen driving to the factory. On the way he asks directions of a worker, Fred Smart, who clearly has dermatitis. At the surgery, the doctor examines Fred and also sees many other patients with the same condition. He begins investigating why many workers contract dermatitis and visits the affected departments. He speaks to Mr Sudbury, the works manager, and shows him some problematic cases. Mr Sudbury agrees that the factory must take preventative measures and asks Bill Rogers, the safety engineer, to help Dr Burns. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:45:01 Length: 00:04:45:01 Segment 2 Dr Burns and Bill walk around the factory. In the machine shop, Bill suggests installing shields over the lathes to prevent the splashing of cutting fluids. Dr Burns explains the use of barrier cream for the hands to the workers. In the paint shop, girls are seen wiping their paintbrushes on their hands, and applying varnish with rags. The doctor explains the best way to do these tasks without getting hands dirty. A man is seen spraying paint without wearing gloves, and they also give him advice. In the cremating shop, Bill recommends installing an exhaust to ventilate fumes away from the face. They also discuss protective clothing and a new shop floor layout. Dr Burns also addresses all the workers, and speaks to them on the importance of cleanliness. The factory organises running water, soap and towels for all the departments. New cases of dermatitis fall by 50%, but now Dr Burns must treat those who already had the skin complaint. Fred Smart is seen again, depressed and bored. He has been helping his wife with household chores, which further irritate his skin. He and another patient, Joe Daly, complain to other patients in the doctor surgery, saying that the condition cannot be cured. Time start: 00:04:45:01 Time end: 00:10:14:23 Length: 00:05:29:22 Segment 3 Dr Burns speaks to Joe and Fred's wives, explaining that they must stop their husbands from irritating their skin further. The women tell their husbands to stop doing chores, or give them gloves to protect their hands. Their skin complaints begin to clear up, and soon Fred can return to work. Fred is seen telling another patient in the waiting room to 'do as the doctor says'. Mr Sugden visits Dr Burns and thanks him. However, Dr Burns receives a final patient who, despite preventative measures, still contracted dermatitis. Dr Burns explains that he is an exception, as there will always be exceptions. Time start: 00:10:14:23 Time end: 00:14:45:01 Length: 00:04:30:03
Credits: Produced by Central Office of Information for Ministry of Labour.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive
Keywords: Dermatitis; Skin Diseases; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom; England