Enrolled nurse
digital file Black & White Sound 1962 18:09

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Summary: A young girl and an older woman with a grown-up family describe the stages of their two-year practical training course, in which they qualified together as State Enrolled Nurses. They tell of what led them to this profession, its satisfactions, challenges and human problems, and explain the varied range of posts available to Enrolled Nurses both in and out of hospital. Stars Valerie Singleton and David Jacobs. 4 segments.
Title number: 18166
LSA ID: LSA/21323
Description: Segment 1 A radio production duo discuss their playlist. They have received a request from patients on a hospital ward to play a song for their nurses one of the nurses turns out to be the female producer's sister. The sister is shown attending patients in the hospital. The story of her career is shown, from her initial interest as a young girl, to qualifying. As a young girl she seeks advice from a Matron, and before starting training works in a children's nursery and shop. On her first day she finds that one of her schoolmate's mothers is also training. The mother is worried she is too old. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:07:09 Length: 00:04:07:09 Segment 2 The mother talks about how she decided to train to be a nurse and quickly realises the atmosphere is friendly. The nurses learn anatomy and basic care of patients. The younger nurse accidentally knocks some water onto a consultant and although embarrased at first, manages to joke about it. Time start: 00:04:07:09 Time end: 00:09:15:17 Length: 00:05:08:08 Segment 3 The nurses take a written test at the end of the first year, remarking that it is the only one on the course. They also take a practical test, bandaging a patient. The nurses' social life is seen. The young nurse goes to work in various wards, including casualty and the operating theatre. The older woman talks about how she knows her patients really well. Time start: 00:09:15:17 Time end: 00:14:36:03 Length: 00:05:20:11 Segment 4 The young nurse helps a young couple out with their personal problems as well. At the end, the nurses and patients on the ward gather to listen to the requested song on the radio from the beginning of the film. Time start: 00:14:36:03 Time end: 00:18:09:11 Length: 00:03:33:08
Credits: Filmed by Ron Bicker, edited by Marlene Fletcher and Bernard Gribble, produced by Philip Aizlewood, written and directed by Margaret Thomson.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved by the BFI National Archive. The original film was black and white, but became highly acetic and when transferred has developed a blue tinge.
Keywords: Nurses; Nursing
Locations: United Kingdom