Signs of anaesthesia including controlled respiration
digital file Black & White Silent 1940s 5:19

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Summary: This is a clinical film showing the induction of anaesthesia on a patient using the open drop ether technique. Respiration in the patient is aided. There are no eye movements and the pupil is dilated proving that complete anaesthesia has been achieved. 1 segment.
Title number: 18152
LSA ID: LSA/21309
Description: Segment 1 A patient is anaesthetised using the open drop technique (drops of the induction agent are sprayed onto a mask). The patient is shown breathing deeply. The next sequence is a medium close-up of the patient unconscious the lid of one eye is raised to show how dilated it is. Breathing is aided with a mask. These sequences are repeated. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:19:10 Length: 00:5:19:10
Further information: Material from the film collection comprising of 55 items donated by Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, Oxford, to the Wellcome Trust in 2008. In 1937, Lord Nuffield established a clinical chair of anaesthesia in Oxford amidst some controversy that anaesthesia was even an academic discipline. The collection is a mixture of clinical and educational films made or held by the department to supplement their teaching dating from the late 1930s onwards.
Keywords: Anesthesia; Anesthesia, Inhalation; Anesthesia, Inhalation -- history; Anesthesia -- history
Locations: United Kingdom