The Oxford miniature vaporizer
digital file Black & White Sound 1960 9:39

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Summary: This is a promotional film about the OMV (Oxford Miniature Vaporizer), a piece of anaesthetic apparatus designed in Oxford. 2 segments.
Title number: 18146
LSA ID: LSA/21303
Description: Segment 1 The vaporizer is charged with liquid Halothane. Graphics show the circulation of the anaesthestic agent in the OMV. The vaporizer is shown in operation with the Oxford breathing bellows. A 7 year old child is shown under anaesthesia. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:34:21 Length: 00:04:34:21 Segment 2 The OMV is demonstrated - it can be readily added to existing equipment. It is shown in dentistry (with nitrous-oxide). Anaesthesia is induced in a man by ether and then maintained with Halothane. The EMO inhaler is also shown in use. Scenes in the operating theatre. The narrator states that the OMV is a versatile apparatus. Time start: 00:04:34:21 Time end: 00:09:39:12 Length: 00:05:04:16
Credits: Produced by the Royal Society of Medicine Film Unit, Directed by Esmond Wilson FRPS, Photography by Stephen I. Halliday.
Further information: Material made from the film collection comprising of 55 items donated by Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics, Oxford, to the Wellcome Trust in 2008. In 1937, Lord Nuffield established a clinical chair of anaesthesia in Oxford amidst some controversy that anaesthesia was even an academic discipline. The collection is a mixture of clinical and educational films made or held by the department to supplement their teaching dating from the late 1930s onwards
Keywords: Anesthesia; Anesthesia -- history; Respiration, Artificial
Locations: United Kingdom