Your children and you
digital file Black & White Sound 1946 27:20

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Summary: Practical suggestions to parents on care of young children from the first months to the age of four or five. The main stages of development are dealt with, from weaning, at about five months, onward. On the physical side, hints on training in sound and regular habits are included on the psychological, hints on prevention of unnecessary fears, of boredom, of bad temper or maladjustment. Patience, firmness and understanding are essential qualities in the parent. 3 segments.
Title number: 18135
LSA ID: LSA/21292
Description: Segment 1 The film begins with an intertitle reading, 'This film is mainly a counsel of perfection. However, the suggestions are practical and parents could adopt them all, without growing wings'. A newborn baby wakes up at night and cries. The narrator explains that at first, the baby is like a tyrant and parents are its slaves. However, parents can also teach babies rules from early on. Advice on weaning and suitable playthings and activities is given. The developmental milestone of one-year-old is reached. The narrator explains that the baby will develop habits and will want to move around more to explore things. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:08:42:12 Length: 00:08:42:12 Segment 2 The next milestone is 18 months. Difficult dinner times are discussed, with advice on feeding unwilling babies. Advice on involving babies in housework is given. The narrator warns about letting grandparents spoiling the baby, and also how to get the baby to sleep at night. The narrator also warns about letting the child overhear adult conversation. Time start: 00:08:42:12 Time end: 00:18:09:21 Length: 00:09:27:09 Segment 3 Advice is given for if a second child is due, including involving the older child in preparation for the baby. Advice is given on how to answer if the child asks about sex and where babies come from. Finally, much advice on how to react to bad behaviour and naughtiness is given. Time start: 00:18:09:21 Time end: 00:27:19:24 Length: 00:09:10:03
Credits: A Central Office of Information film for the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Central Council for Health Education. Produced by Alexander Shaw and John Taylor and directed by Brian Smith.
Further information: This video was made from material preserved at the BFI National Archive THIS TITLE IS EMBARGOED UNTIL JANUARY 22, 2012
Keywords: Infant Care; Child Care; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom