Whooping cough: health visitor
digital file Colour Sound 1986 1:11

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Summary: A public service advertisement telling parents to 'talk to your doctor or health visitor about immunisation' against whooping cough. 1 segment.
Title number: 18128
LSA ID: LSA/21285
Description: Segment 1 A health visitor arrives at a flat to see a toddler who has whooping cough. The child is seen coughing violently. The narrator explains that whooping cough spreads easily and puts every child under 6-years-old at risk, and that parents should talk to their doctor about immunisation. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:01:11:03 Length: 00:01:11:03
Further information: This video was made from material preserved at the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Whooping Cough; Public Health
Locations: United Kingdom