Safety in store
digital file Colour Sound 1964 17:37

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Summary: Various insect pests are described and the damage they can cause to stored foodstuffs is demonstrated. The work of the Cooper Technical Bureau in developing and testing insecticides to prevent infestation of foodstuffs and its packaging is shown, as well as the use of these products in Europe and the Third World. The main insecticide discussed is Pybuthrin, manufactured by Cooper, McDougall and Robertson Ltd. 2 segments.
Title number: 18118
LSA ID: LSA/21275
Description: Segment 1 The narrator explains that insect infestation can greatly affect crops at any stage from harvesting to marketing, and that Cooper entomologists are working on methods to control pests. The narrator lists many different insects that can affect foodstuffs, where they can be found, and what they do to the food. These include: grain weevils in storage, mill moths and flour beetles at the mill, and spider beetles and warehouse moths in storage. Tobacco beetles, blowflies, houseflies and cockroaches are also mentioned. The CooperTechnical Bureau is shown, which keeps insect breeding colonies for experimental purposes. The testing process is shown, from small-scale sprays to field testing. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:08:29:17 Length: 00:08:29:17 Segment 2 The narrator explains that smaller farming communities with less access to modern farming methods are especially at risk from insect infestation. African women preparing maize are shown. They mix a protectant into the maize before storing it in a hut. Various other uses of Pybuthrin, an insecticide that is harmful to insects but not food or humans, are described. These include at the grain silos, docks, in bulk storage, to treat food preparation machinery, and in a grocers. Examples of food that became infested are shown. At the end of the film, the narrator summarises the points made during the film. Time start: 00:08:29:17 Time end: 00:17:37:15 Length: 00:09:07:23
Keywords: Insecticides; Food Contamination; Insect Control