The uninvited guest: principles and practice of cattle tick control
digital file Colour Sound 1978 16:41

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Summary: Describes the life-cycles of various economically important cattle ticks, and their control by dipping and spraying methods. Filmed in Africa, Australia, South America and the United Kingdom. 2 segments.
Title number: 18117
LSA ID: LSA/21274
Description: Segment 1 A cow is shown, and then a close-up of ticks feeding on it. The narrator explains what ticks are and the effects of tick infestation on cattle farming. Scenes of cattle farms in Africa, Australia and Argentina are shown. The narrator explains the tick lifecycle, which is also shown. This includes egg laying, hatching and developing from larvae to adults. Some ticks feed on one host and others feed on two or three hosts over their life cycle. Dipping the cattle in pesticide breaks the life cycle of the tick. Animations show when the cattle should be dipped. The practice of dipping is shown. The tank and dip are prepared. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:08:20:16 Length: 00:08:20:16 Segment 2 The cattle are mustered and washed in the dip. Additional methods of control are shown. Samples of ticks and the dip are sent to laboratories if the ticks prove resistant, and the laboratory research is shown. Time start: 00:08:20:16 Time end: 00:16:41:16 Length: 00:08:21:00
Credits: Edited by David Renton, directed by Philip Harland and produced by Peter Bradford.
Keywords: Insecticides; Ticks -- in animals
Locations: Africa; Australia; South America; United Kingdom