Sturge-Weber Syndrome
digital file Colour Silent 1947 2:51

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Summary: Case-record of a victim of Sturge-Weber syndrome, a child of three with capillary naevi all over his body, a left homonymous hemianopia and a left hemiaparesis which affects his face, arm and leg. Intertitles describe the symptoms and the patient's condition. 1 segment.
Title number: 18111
LSA ID: LSA/21268
Description: Segment 1 The intertitles describe the symptoms of Sturge-Weber syndrome, 'vascular naevi of one side of the face are combined with contralateral neurological signs'. A naked 3-year-old boy with the syndrome is shown. He has had a facial naevus on the right side of his face since birth. His entire body is shown. A left homonymous hemianopia is pointed out. The intertitles point out that his left arm and leg are weak. Intertitles explain the syndrome: 'the neurological signs are due to a naevoid condition of the leptomeninges of the right side of the brain.' A previous (1925) more advanced case seen by Dr Parkes-Weber showed intracranial calcificaiton upon x-ray examination. This patient does not show this advanced symptom. The patient is examined by Dr Parkes-Weber two months later, and he is described as 'much less paretic'. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:02:50:24 Length: 00:02:50:24
Keywords: Sturge-Weber syndrome; Sturge-Weber Syndrome -- radiography; Sturge-Weber Syndrome -- complications; Child; Pediatrics
Locations: United Kingdom