Rheumatic chorea
digital file Colour Silent 1947 4:57

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Summary: Clinical case-record of a 13 year old girl suffering from rheumatic chorea (Sydenham's disease), showing the grimacing and semi- purposive, non-repetitive movements characteristic of chorea, hypotonia and poor coordination of respiratory movements. The absence of choreic movements during sleep is demonstrated. The patient is seen again after six weeks' rest in bed, by which time the symptoms have disappeared. 1 segment.
Title number: 18110
LSA ID: LSA/21267
Description: Segment 1 The history of the patient, a 13-year-old girl, is given by intertitles. The patient is shown she has involuntary movements of the arms and head. A knee-jerk reaction test is performed and she has diminished tendon reflexes. Her face and arms are shown in close-up. Her stomach is shown her respiratory movements are irregular. She is shown asleep choreic movements are absent. She is shown six weeks later after bed rest. Her stomach is shown her breathing is regular and calm. She is shown walking and sitting down and has no involuntary movements. The knee reflex test is performed and her reflexes are normal. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:04:57:21 Length: 00:04:57:21
Credits: Made by Wellcome Foundation Film Unit in cooperation with R.C. Mackeith, Central Middlesex County Hospital, London.
Keywords: Neurodegenerative Diseases -- etiology; Chorea; Basal Ganglia Diseases; Streptococcal Infections
Locations: United Kingdom; England; London; Central Middlesex County Hospital