Nalorphine (n-allylnormorphine)
digital file Colour Sound 1953 9:00

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Summary: Demonstrates the antagonistic action of nalorphine ( Leithidrone ) to morphine, methadone ( Physeptone ) and thiambutene ( Themalon ) in narcotised dogs given intravenous injections of nalorphine. The film shows how nalorphine counteracts the respiratory, temperature, and constipating effects of morphine in the dog, rabbit and rat respectively. 1 segment.
Title number: 18108
LSA ID: LSA/21265
Description: Segment 1 A dog that has been injected with morphine is shown. It is relaxed and drowsy. Pressure is applied to the dog's ear but has no effect. Nalorphine is injected and just 30 seconds later the dog is alert and moving around the room. Its pain threshold is almost back to normal. The narrator says that this film is about morphine and nalorphine. The history of the drug and the drug's preparation are described. Its chemistry is also described with the aid of chemical diagrams. Another experiment is conducted, this one to show morphine and nalorphine's effects on respiration. The results are shown on a chart. Another experiment to show the drugs' effect on temperature is conducted. A graph shows comparisons between groups of normal rabbits and rabbits that have been injected with the drugs. A third experiment shows the drugs' effect on gastro-intestinal propulsion. Rats are fed a paste of charcoal and flour and then killed ten minutes later. A chart shows the comparison between normal rats and rats that have been injected with the drugs. The chart shows the progression of the paste through the rats' digestive systems. Further drugs that have the same effects as morphine (methadone and thiambutene) are also tested on dogs and then counteracted with Nalorphine. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:09:00:15 Length: 00:09:00:15
Credits: Made by Wellcome Foundation Film Unit with Dr. A.C. White and A.F. Green (Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent). Directed by Florence Anthony, edited and photographed by Douglas Fisher. Narration by David Lloyd James.
Keywords: Animals, Laboratory; Nalorphine -- pharmacology; Morphine -- in animals; Morphinans
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Kent; Beckenham; Wellcome Research Laboratories