Entebbe encounter
digital file Colour Sound 1989 36:51

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Summary: In 1901, an outbreak of sleeping sickness in Uganda rapidly assumed epidemic proportions. In the spring of 1902, the Royal Society sent a small scientific commission to Entebbe to investigate the cause of the disease. This film highlights the many scientific and professional problems which beset the commission's work, dramatically reconstructing the circumstances leading up to Dr. (later Sir) Aldo Castellani's (1877-1971) discovery of trypanosomes in the cerebrospinal fluid of sleeping sickness victims and his difficult 'encounter' with Colonel David Bruce at Entebbe in February 1903. With Ian Harvey as Aldo Castellani and Leon Sinden as David Bruce. 4 segments.
Title number: 18107
LSA ID: LSA/21264
Description: Segment 1 The 1902 Malaria Committee of the Royal Society meeting is shown. They discuss the serious outbreak of sleeping sickness in Uganda. The committee discusses who should go to Uganda to conduct research. The discussion is continued at a club. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:09:15:06 Length: 00:09:15:06 Segment 2 Entebbe in Uganda is seen. Dr Castellani is working. He discusses his work with another doctor, who urges Dr Castellani to write a paper on his research so far. Dr Moffat arrives and tells Dr Castellani that his research paper will not be published, and that Col. Bruce is coming to Uganda to help with the research. Dr Castellani is not pleased with this news. Time start: 00:09:15:06 Time end: 00:18:03:11 Length: 00:08:54:05 Segment 3 Castellani thinks about his research and realises that trypanosomes in the blood may be something to do with sleeping sickness. Dr Moffat brings a Ugandan patient to Dr Castellani and asks him to analyse his blood. The blood has trypanosomes in it. The doctors are waiting at the river to greet Col. Bruce's boat. Dr Castellani tells Dr Moffat about his research into trypanosomes, but asks that Col. Bruce not be told. Time start: 00:18:03:11 Time end: 00:27:04:16 Length: 00:09:01:05 Segment 4 Col. and Mrs Bruce are seen on the boat. Col. Bruce discusses Dr Castellani, and appears irritated by him. They arrive and are introduced to the doctors. Col. Bruce and Dr Castellani discuss Dr Castellani's research. Dr Castellani tells Col. Bruce about his research into trypanosomes. A voiceover by Dr Castellani tells of the rest of his career and research. Time start: 00:27:04:16 Time end: 00:36:51:06 Length: 00:09:46:15
Credits: Written by Dr. Billie Williams and directed by Anthony Palmer.
Keywords: Tropical Medicine; Trypanosomiasis, African -- etiology; Trypanosomiasis, African -- cerebrospinal fluid
Locations: Uganda; Entebbe