Book of life
digital file Colour Sound 2001 12:49

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Summary: This is a Wellcome Trust News Release video about the work being carried out for the Human Genome Project (HUGO) at the Sanger Centre, Cambridge. Scientists there express their hopes of how medical science may benefit from this work. Spinal muscular atrophy, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer are among the diseases targeted by HUGO. Other issues include the importance of the free release of data and concern about creating a genetic underclass if a price is put on the benefits which may emerge. There is film of the Sanger Centre and of DNA sequencing. 2 segments.
Title number: 18099
LSA ID: LSA/21256
Description: Segment 1 A Roll. This is the full news release. Theo, a young boy with spinal muscular atrophy is seen, and his parents discuss how the Human Genome Project has given them hope that a cure may be found soon. Professor Kay Davies, a researcher into muscular diseases, discusses how the research can be used. The Sanger Institute is shown and the chairman of the Wellcome Trust, Michael Dexter, discusses how the project will begin a new era in medicine. An animation explains the structure of DNA. Sir John Sulston, director of the Sanger Institute, discusses how the research findings will be kept in the public domain. Cancer geneticist Mike Stratton describes how the research could transform cancer treatments. Theo is shown having physiotherapy. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:05:57:12 Length: 00:05:57:12 Segment 2 B roll. This comprises of clips that can be re-used. Sir John Sulston is interviewed. Jane Rogers, head of sequencing at the Sanger Institute, is interviewed. Professor Kay Davies is interviewed. Mike Stratton is interviewed. David Bentley, head of human genetics at the Sanger Institute, is interviewed. Footage of the following is shown: DNA being prepared DNA being added to chemical solution a thermocycler quality control of DNA sequence loading DNA plates into a sequence analyser DNA sequence analysis previously published genome research. Theo's parents, Isobel and Mark Emms, discuss how they have more hope for the future. Theo Emms is seen having physiotherapy. Time start: 00:05:57:12 Time end: 00:12:49:18 Length: 00:06:52:06
Keywords: Genome; Molecular Biology; DNA; Human Genome Project
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Sanger Centre; Cambridge