The contact
digital file Colour Sound 1963 12:09

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Summary: Aimed at teenage audiences, this drama features Max, (who has cerebral palsy and is played by John Hurt) who nearly gets run over by a moped whilst walking home. Max befriends the rider and is taken to his club, is introduced to his friends and has an enjoyable night out. Thereby contact is made across the able-bodied and disabled groups and a friendship is formed. The band playing at the club are The Impacts. 2 segments.
Title number: 18096
LSA ID: LSA/21253
Description: Segment 1 Max, a teenage boy with cerebral palsy, is crossing a country road when two mopeds speed by, making him drop one of his walking sticks. A third drives past, running over and breaking the stick. A fourth almost hits him as he is trying to pick up the stick, but stops in time. The moped rider apologises and offers to drive Max back to his school. The other moped riders return and suggest they bring Max out with them. A nightclub is shown, and two girls complain that the boys are late. The boys arrive with Max. One girl suggests that Max does not really belong in the club. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:06:07:02 Length: 00:06:07:02 Segment 2 They all sit at a table, and a girl on the dancefloor is attracted to Max. She tries to make him dance before she realises that he is disabled. She sits with them and Max explains what cerebral palsy is and what his school for children with cerebral palsy is like. The teenagers listen and their thoughts are heard in voiceover, as their assumptions about people with cerebral palsy are challenged. The girl who was attracted to Max thinks, 'He's smashing, isn't he.' One of the moped riders drives Max back to school and says they ought to keep in touch. Time start: 00:06:07:02 Time end: 00:12:09:22 Length: 00:06:02:20
Credits: Directed and written by Philip Wrestler, produced by Lawrence G. Knight, filmed by Derek Brown and edited by Robert Bucknell.
Further information: This video was made from film material preserved in the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Disabled Persons
Locations: United Kingdom; England