A place like home
digital file Black & White Sound 1970 34:18

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Summary: This film is concerned with disabled young people with cerebral palsy and how their housing and care needs can be met by the state. The lives of seventeen boys and girls with cerebral palsy who live in a purpose built hostel on the edge of a small town are compared with those of over fifty similar children housed in a large hospital for severly dsabled people. The film concludes that the lives of those living in the modern hostel are much improved. 4 segments.
Title number: 18093
LSA ID: LSA/21250
Description: Segment 1 Boys in a hospital for disabled children are seen. The narrator explains that homes for disabled children are needed, and that the state needs to answer this need. A hostel for 17 children with disabilities is shown. The children are woken up in the morning and washed and dressed. Some of the students are introduced by the narrator. A hospital that houses 50 disabled boys is shown. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:08:33:13 Length: 00:08:33:13 Segment 2 Breakfast at the hostel and hospital is compared. The narrator says that at the hostel, children are given more responsibility to look after themselves if they are physically able. At the hospital, the nurses find it difficult to deal with so many boys, especially if some are disruptive. Time start: 00:08:33:13 Time end: 00:17:53:03 Length: 00:09:19:15 Segment 3 The children who live at the hostel attend a day school, and the children who live at the hospital attend the hospital's own school. The narrator says that these children's needs are for a real home and for affection. Scenes from both institutions are shown of the nurses giving the children medication. Playtime at the hospital is shown. Time start: 00:17:53:03 Time end: 00:25:53:24 Length: 00:08:00:21 Segment 4 Playtime at the hostel is shown. The children play with musical instruments and fancy dress. Bedtime at both institutions is shown. Time start: 00:25:53:24 Time end: 00:34:18:23 Length: 00:08:24:24
Credits: Written and directed by Peter Neal, narrated by Brian Rix, filmed by Ian McMillan and edited by David Gladwell.
Further information: This video was made from film material preserved in the BFI National Archive.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Disabled Persons
Locations: United Kingdom; England