One of the family
digital file Black & White Sound 1964 24:40

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Summary: This film shows the facilities and support offered by the Spastics Society to families who provide home care for their children with cerebral palsy. The first half of the film shows how the Society assesses children, and the second half shows the Nottingham Family Help Unit, which provides short-term residential care for children to help parents out. 3 segments.
Title number: 18087
LSA ID: LSA/21244
Description: Segment 1 Andrew, a young boy with cerebral palsy, is examined by a doctor. The narrator describes what cerebral palsy is, and how it affects people (the term 'spastic' is used throughout the film). The doctor discusses physiotherapy and how it can help children with cerebral palsy. The narrator explains that a few years previously, children with cerebral palsy were hardly ever taken outdoors because of the public's reaction to them. At the time of the film however, things have changed, particularly after the founding of the Spastics Society in 1952. The headquarters of the Society are shown, with children doing puzzles and exercises. One young girl is assessed by the specialist staff. The staff then all discuss their assessments of the girl. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:45:14 Length: 00:07:45:14 Segment 2 The staff meeting continues and the staff decide on a course of action. They speak to the girl's mother. Parents of children with cerebral palsy are seen, and they all discuss the various difficulties they face, including the hard work of looking after a disabled child, and feeling that they do not love their child enough. The narrator explains that parents sometimes need a break, and so introduces the Nottingham Family Help Unit, which allows children with cerebral palsy to stay for a short while, being looked after by carers. The children are shown being sung to and playing with toys. They are also shown painting and modelling with clay. Time start: 00:07:45:14 Time end: 00:15:34:19 Length: 00:07:49:05 Segment 3 The narrator explains that the main link with families in the area is through a home visitor. The home visitor is shown driving to visit families. She describes how hard it is for parents, particularly mothers, who generally stay at home all day caring for their disabled child. She describes the different reactions parents have. A devout Christian Afro-Caribbean family is shown at home. The mother believes that her daughter was born in order to teach others to have compassion. Another family with nine children is shown, one with cerebral palsy. The other children play with him. The home visitor says that most of the time the child is happy but the parents are sad because they refuse to accept their child's disability. Time start: 00:15:34:19 Time end: 00:24:40:14 Length: 00:09:05:20
Credits: written and directed by Bernice Rubens. Edited by David Gladwell and filmed by Peter Jessop.
Further information: This film was donated to Wellcome Trust by Scope.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Disabled Children
Locations: United Kingdom; England; Nottingham