The management of work centres
digital file Colour Sound 1973 27:37

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Summary: Shows the organistation and running of various work centres run by the Spastics Society. 4 segments.
Title number: 18086
LSA ID: LSA/21243
Description: Segment 1 A man with cerebral palsy is shown walking to work. The narrator explains that people may assume that those with cerebral palsy are not able to work or be employed, but that they can do various types of work. A work centre is shown, at which people with cerebral palsy are employed. The management committee of the work centre is shown. The ideal manager of a work centre is described. The narrator explains why work centres are needed. Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:07:05:20 Length: 00:07:05:20 Segment 2 The narrator says that work centres ease the transition between school and employment for people with cerebral palsy. People are shown being assessed at the work centre. A group of people with cerebral palsy are shown making wire coat hangers together. Time start: 00:07:05:20 Time end: 00:14:05:13 Length: 00:06:59:18 Segment 3 People with cerebral palsy are shown manufacturing various goods. The narrator gives more details of their work and the wages that they earn. Time start: 00:14:05:13 Time end: 00:20:54:09 Length: 00:06:48:21 Segment 4 The narrator speaks of the frustration that people with cerebral palsy sometimes feel when working or performing everyday activities. He also mentions sexual frustration. A mealtime is shown, with people helping each other to eat. The narrator explains that although much progress has been made in the last decade, better facilities and better transport between facilities and home are needed. Time start: 00:20:54:09 Time end: 00:27:37:21 Length: 00:06:43:12
Credits: directed and written by Michael Holmes, commentary by Leonard Hand, and produced by Francis Haveron.
Further information: This film was donated to Wellcome Trust by Scope.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Disabled Persons
Locations: United Kingdom; England